Student Reviews

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“I really enjoyed my liquid pole class with Teri. Everything was broken down and explained in a way that made it easy to follow along, even on playback!” - anonymous

“Another excellent liquid motion class done on playback. Teri's classes are fun & easy to follow along with! Her explanations & examples are always so good, and if any questions at all, she is quick to respond to messages (or in class if you are live)” - Heather

“I did the playback for the Wednesday night Liquid Motion class & enjoyed it so much! The song choice was excellent & inspiring, and the class was easy to follow along with good explanations & demonstrations of the moves.” -

“I really enjoyed Trying out the liquid motion pole class . Teri is really great, friendly and supportive instructor who really explains and breaks down every move to try to make it easy for everyone to understand. I really enjoyed meeting everyone during the class and dancing together with such amazing people. I recommend Teri’s liquid motion pole class to everyone and I will definitely come back for more.” -@baharzaim_poledance

“If you’re looking to enter pole fitness or keep up your training at home, these classes are a great way to do it. Each move is broken down for the student’s learning with space to allow your own dance journey. Join our worldwide class!” - Shannon

“Love the Alter Ego classes. They always make me feel welcome and I have a great time in class.” - Andrea

“I love dancing with Alter Ego! The owner is amazing, and has helpful modifications and advice for me, plus the community is really welcoming.” - Corrie

“I had fun trying out the intro to Liquid Motion class. For being a virtual, yet movement-oriented class, I thought she did an incredible job giving clear explanations, showing things on multiple sides and angles, and answering any questions I had. Great place to start as a beginner! I loved that it was a mix of "follow along" as well as "play with it" and find your own expression. :-)” - Jillian

“These classes are wonderful! Teri is a great instructor that really cares about helping you progress and makes sure you are having fun along the way! 100 % recommend her classes :)” - Heather

“I have been doing these classes weekly for about a year now, and as someone with no previous dance experience whatsoever, I can now say that I have a dance foundation! I love how the moves are broken down and drilled, and the focus is on proper form and building flow. Teri is a great teacher and her classes are a blast!” - Hannah

“I love Teri and, Kristen! That’s all!” - Vail Velour

“I had a great time with Teri’s liquid motion class. She patiently breaks down steps for you especially if you are a beginner like me. She provides modifications for different levels. I like that playback is available if I cant attend the class. ☺️☺️☺️” - Kathie

“I am in love with this dance studio!

As a former athlete, I came to dance later in life, and with some wear and tear on my muscles and joints. I am also not a typical dancer shape, and was slightly intimidated to start my dance journey. Training and dancing with Alter Ego Dance Space however, has been such an amazing journey!

There are a variety of classes, and within each class, there's a perfect blend of yoga, Pilates, conditioning, liquid motion, pole dance and more!

I highly recommend the Monday Magic Conditioning class! Don't be scared by the name, each exercise is done on intervals, giving you just enough time to rest and recover your breath. It works muscles you haven't thought about in years in kind and loving ways, without tons of reps, or people yelling "Go, go, go!" at you.

The nerve flosses I've learned in this class have changed my life, as I now have a fool proof way to warm my body up, as it need a little more tlc than others in my dance classes. The RAD recovery at the end and guided meditation seal the workouts gooey goodness deep within in you, so you can slay you day tomorrow. You don't have to be a dancer to do this one, it will help everyone get stronger in loving ways.

Take a free intro class by going to the website, and see if you like the style! That's exactly how I started, and once I saw this class was for me, It was easier to dive into my first class. Now, I have a regular workout practice with AEDS, and my body thanks me for it everyday with less pain. Thank you Teri for awesome classes and knowledge that changed my life!” - Selina

“I was very challenged. LOL! Thank you Lisa! I look forward to getting stronger!” - Tiff

“Amazing! Inspirational! Transcendent!” - Tiff 

“I had a great time taking this floorwork class. The warmup was very thorough and the choreo was saucy! I can't wait to take another class!” - @polejciak

“I am so glad that I discovered these classes! There is a nice variety and Teri is an excellent teacher, breaking down everything really well and fitting a lot into the time frame. I feel like I learn new things and get a great workout every time! I like the convenience of being able to sign up online and take the classes via Zoom.” - @dustyrosepole

“Class was great as per usual! Directionality has always been a challenge for me, and today Teri helped me get some very complicated moves down! She talked me through the steps and gave me encouragement along the way. My love for these classes continues to grow, and the friends I have made are just icing on the cake!” - @staceyd114

“Fantastic!” - Shannon

“I've come to love flexibility flow as a 49 year old who has arthritis in my back, hip and shoulder so I was hesitant to try this class at first, but Teri is an excellent teacher she is able to adjust moves and lets me know if there is something in the class that might not be good for my joints - this takes the stress out of class for me. The improvement in my flexibility has been slow but the improvement in joint stability I have noticed makes it all worth while.” - Lisa

“Teri's classes are always fun! She is a great teacher and is patient with anyone who needs things repeated or demonstrated again. I feel very comfortable in class. She truly teaches by the words "start where you are". It doesn't matter your skill level, she will meet you wherever your skill level happens to be.” - @staceyd114

“So much fun in class this week. Learned a few new things and how to put them with some of my ‘comfort’ moves to make everything flow together! Thanks Teri” - @never.too.old.for.pole

“I always look forward to Saturday evenings, her zoom classes have become part of my weekly life and are a godsend during lockdown. I enjoy the liquid motion, exotic burn, heels, pole, chair and flex flow, Teri is the most patient approachable teacher and have made friends from all over the world xxx” - @alifunfitness

“I had an awesome class last night! Teri is so encouraging, and I love the sequence of moves she put together for us to learn. It was fun and, bonus!, I really felt like I got a good workout! Looking forward to my next class!“ - Phoenix

“This was my first class with this studio..... It was absolutely amazing... I knew it was going to be a harder class because we were working on a hard thing shoulder rolls... I could not be happier with the class! It was a great. Nice and direct instructions on what we were learning!! I will definitely be coming back for more!“ - @lilglo3420

“Excellent, I had a private lesson this week to refresh my memory of what I had previously learnt. I suffer with dyspraxia and can sometimes take a while to master a move but Teri is so patient and finds different ways of explaining things to me so I get there eventually, I’m going to do another private session to hopefully master some basic shoulder rolls, which is a move I worry about, it I know I’ll bet there, ant recommend Teri enough xx“ - Ali

“The class was great and easy to follow. I am new to this type of exercise.” - Diane

“Awesome! Teri’s instructions are beautifully clear and encouraging. She’s a wonderful teacher and makes Liquid Motion technique accessible for anyone who takes her class.” - @wellsperritt

“I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the classes I have taken from Teri, and am especially loving the new 2.0 classes. Teri is excellent at breaking things down and explaining moves in a simple way everyone can understand. I love being able to do the classes online as it is easier to fit into my demanding schedule.

Highly recommend AlterEgoDanceSpace for all ages and abilities." - @hippypoleweaver

“As a middle-aged woman with kids and a full time job and a home to take care of, Teri’s classes are my respite. She makes such complex moves look fluid and sexy and easy, which is the trick. I'm amazed at what I'm able to with this old, crunchy sounding body. It make take me 20 times to get a move, but Teri sticks with me and helps me figure it out until I feel as beautiful as she looks doing it. She can take a multi-step, very physically demanding move and break it down so we can put it together easily. I'd never get it just from watching a video. I am proud of myself and appreciate how Teri understands the individual challenges each of us faces and changes what to do for every person based on their level and body capability.“ - @alteregoadrienne

“Lovely class. Simple moves tonight. Learning how to get from bridge to plow and back and moves to piece together in between.“ - @alaskandani

“Class was awesome tonight! The 5 point shoulder roll is definitely a challenge but I will definitely be working on it. Excellent break down of all the parts“ - @never.too.old.for.pole

“Amazing! We learned a 5 point roll which was super fun. I love shoulder rolls. This is just a further extension of that and I love it! Fabulous teaching Teri! ” - Dani

“Great class! Rolls are tricky, and I was struggling at first. But by the end of class, I had it! Thank you, Mikki, for breaking it down and going over it!” - Phoenix

“Had a blast learning transitions from the pole and floor. Very useful tips and beautiful fluid movements. Teri has a wonderful way of including and targeting everyone and their needs.” - Amy

“Class was amazing! worked on transitions on getting from the floor to the pole, up, and back down the the floor again. Teri does a great job explaining the moves and also shows different angles of the moves. she usually teaches about 2-4 moves in class and in a sequence with some free styling.” - @alaskandani

“Amazing! After witnessing the changes my fellow pole friends have experienced from Terri's classes, I decided to try a few for myself. Terri breaks down moves in a way that is easy to understand and I felt confident trying new things. I now have a whole series of moves that make me feel good. I would highly recommend her classes.” - @mermaidmutiny

“Teri is such an attentive, inclusive and talented instructor and dancer! Every class I've taken is challenging, fun, AND sensual. Each class is valuable as a stand-alone or in order to build upon previous classes to link together combos. PLUS, everyone who attends is so kind, sweet & encouraging. Such a wonderful community!” - @raquelissima

“All the classes I've taken have been perfect - the time goes so quickly because I'm enjoying myself. The warm up is wonderful because I need the stretching and I now have better posture because of it. I'm more aware of how I hold myself, especially my back and how I move in general. I have gained so much confidence in myself and proud of my body, which I never have been. I love that I can take any move and combine it with anything else I've learned - I can choreograph a routine or just freestyle, and go at my own pace. All the women are kind and fun and supportive. Even if an indoor place ever opens up by me, I wouldn't go anywhere else! Thank you!” - Kristen

“Amazing classes, such a nice person, put me at ease with my hang ups straight away. Great instructions, Moves broken down very clearly and very patient with me. Met the nicest group of girls ever, all ages from all over the world, loved every second, thank you!!” - @Alifunfitness

“All of the classes I’ve taken have been really fun and I’ve learned a lot. It’s really helping my confidence with movement, floorwork and freestyle. Which is so important in dance. Very patient and supportive. Love the atmosphere!” -@yellowponcho

“One of the best core warm ups - hips and lower back I've had. Instructions were at the right place and perfect amount of material for me. Look forward to more so that I can add on to my floor work.” -@star0gazer

“This class has been great for filling my bag with new tricks of things to do from the floor. I appreciate that the theory behind the moves is explained so that I can understand better what we are striving for in our final product. I am also thankful that there is some flexibility to the moves, in modifications or choosing right side vs left, so that injuries can be avoided.” - Jen

“Class was awesome! I have limited mobility in my back so each week I am astonished at my progress! Instructions and cueing are very easy to understand, even to a non-dancer. We did a very thorough warmup before class which is definitely key! Excited to learn more and get comfortable on the floor” - Jill

“Fabulous class! I loved every minute of it, from the warm up to the freestyle at the end. I have some major back/hip issues which thanks to the careful breakdowns and offers of suggestions to help me figure out how to do something in a way suitable for my body, I have managed each class so far without any pain! And much to my surprise I am starting to get a little more movement in my back as well as a new appreciation for how my body moves, anyone can do these classes and be assured that they are in good hands. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to be able to move freely.” - @emmersonlisa

“Very informative and super helpful with technical breakdowns. I have a hard time learning as I always say I’m special and need more but you were very knowledgeable and helpful on giving me extra points to be able to execute the moves safely and properly. I often get frustrated when I can’t execute something due to either not being strong enough or not understanding it but with the helpful tips as well as the modification suggestion I felt confident.” @Persia.Jadore

“I can not say enough great things about you as an instructor! You go through step by step and make it so easy anyone can do this and feel sexy walking out. I struggle with body parts not wanting to work or move properly daily so these classes have been a help to alleviate some of that. 5 stars from me!” - Amy